Chapter I - Preliminary
Section 1. Short title, extent and commencement.
Section 2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires.
Chapter II - Officers of Customs
Section 3. Classes of officers of customs. -
Section 4. Appointment of officers of customs. -
Section 5. Powers of officers of customs. -
Section 6. Entrustment of functions of Board and customs officers on certain other officers. -
Chapter III - Appointment of Customs ports, airports, warehousing stations, etc.
Section 7. Appointment of customs ports, airports, etc.-
Section 8. Power to approve landing places and specify limits of customs area.
Section 9. Power to declare places to be warehousing stations. -
Section 10. Appointment of boarding stations. -
Chapter IV - Prohibitions on importation and exportation of goods
Section 11. Power to prohibit importation or exportation of goods.-
Chapter IVA - Detection of illegally imported goods and prevention of the disposal thereof
Section 11A. Definitions. -
Section 11B. Power of Central Government to notify goods.-
Section 11C. Persons possessing notified goods to intimate the place of storage, etc. -
Section 11D. Precautions to be taken by persons acquiring notified goods. -
Section 11E. Persons possessing notified goods to maintain accounts. -
Section 11F. Sale, etc., of notified goods to be evidenced by vouchers. -
Section 11G. Sections 11C, 11E and 11F not to apply to goods in personal use. -
Chapter IV-B -Prevention or detection of illegal export of goods
Section 11-H. Definitions.-
Section 11 I. Power of Central Government to specify goods. -
Section 11J. Persons possessing specified goods to intimate the place of storage, etc. -
Section 11K. Transport of specified goods to be covered by vouchers. -
Section 11L. Persons possessing specified goods to maintain accounts.-
Section 11M. Steps to be taken by persons selling or transferring any specified goods. -
Chapter IV-C-Power to exempt from the provisions of chapters IV-A and IV-B
Section 11N. Power to exempt. -
Chapter V - Levy of, and exemption from, Customs duties
SECTION 12. Dutiable goods. -
SECTION 13. Duty on pilfered goods. -
SECTION 14. Valuation of goods. -
SECTION 15. Date for determination of rate of duty and tariff valuation of imported goods. -
SECTION 16. Date for determination of rate of duty and tariff valuation of export goods.-
SECTION 17. Assessment of duty. -
SECTION 18. Provisional assessment of duty-
SECTION 19. Determination of duty where goods consist of articles liable to different rates of duty.
SECTION 20. Re-importation of goods. -
SECTION 21. Goods derelict, wreck, etc.-
SECTION 22. Abatement of duty on damaged or deteriorated goods. -
SECTION 23. Remission of duty on lost, destroyed or abandoned goods.-
SECTION 24. Power to make rules for denaturing or mutilation of goods. -
SECTION 25. Power to grant exemption from duty. -
SECTION 26. Refund of export duty in certain cases. -
SECTION 26A. Refund of import duty in certain cases-
SECTION 27. Claim for refund of duty. -
SECTION 27A. Interest on delayed refunds. -
SECTION 28. Recovery of duties not levied or short-levied or erroneously refunded. -
SECTION 28A. Power not to recover duties not levied or short-levied as a result of general practice. -
SECTION 28AA. Interest on delayed payment of duty
SECTION 28B. Duties collected from the buyer to be deposited with the Central Government.-
SECTION 28BA. Provisional attachment to protect revenue in certain cases. -
Chapter V-A-Indicating amount of duty in the price of goods, etc.,for purpose of refund
SECTION 28C. Price of goods to indicate the amount of duty paid thereon. -
SECTION 28D. Presumption that incidence of duty has been passed on to the buyer.-
Chapter V-B-Advance Rulings
SECTION 28E. Definitions. -
SECTION 28F. Authority for advance rulings. -
SECTION 28G. Vacancies, etc., not to invalidate proceedings. -
SECTION 28H. Application for advance ruling. -
SECTION 28I. Procedure on receipt of application. -
SECTION 28J. Applicability of advance ruling. -
SECTION 28K. Advance ruling to be void in certain circumstances. -
SECTION 28L. Powers of Authority. -
SECTION 28M. Procedure of Authority.
Chapter VI - Provisions relating to conveyances carrying imported or exported goods
SECTION 29. Arrival of vessels and aircrafts in India. -
SECTION 30. Delivery of import manifest or import report. -
SECTION 31. Imported goods not to be unloaded from vessel until entry inwards granted -
SECTION 32. Imported goods not to be unloaded unless mentioned in import manifest or import report -
SECTION 33. Unloading and loading of goods at approved places only -
SECTION 34. Goods not to be unloaded or loaded except under supervision of customs officer
SECTION 35. Restrictions on goods being water-borne.-
SECTION 36. Restrictions on unloading and loading of goods on holidays, etc. -
SECTION 37. Power to board conveyances. -
SECTION 38. Power to require production of documents and ask questions. -
SECTION 39. Export goods not to be loaded on vessel until entry-outwards granted. -
SECTION 40. Export goods not to be loaded unless duly passed by proper officer-
SECTION 41. Delivery of export manifest or export report -
SECTION 42. No conveyance to leave without written order -
SECTION 43. Exemption of certain classes of conveyances from certain provisions of this Chapter
Chapter VII - Clearance of imported goods and export goods
SECTION 44. Chapter not to apply to baggage and postal articles. -
Clearance of imported goods
SECTION 45. Restrictions on custody and removal of imported goods. -
SECTION 46. Entry of goods on importation. -
SECTION 47. Clearance of goods for home consumption. -
SECTION 48. Procedure in case of goods not cleared, warehoused, or transhipped within thirty days after unloading. -
SECTION 49. Storage of imported goods in warehouse pending clearance. -
Clearance of export goods
SECTION 50. Entry of goods for exportation. -
SECTION 51. Clearance of goods for exportation
SECTION 51A. Clearance of goods for exportation
Chapter VIII - Goods in transit
SECTION 52. Chapter not to apply to baggage, postal articles and stores. -
SECTION 53. Transit of certain goods without payment of duty. -
SECTION 54. Transhipment of certain goods without payment of duty. -
SECTION 55. Liability of duty on goods transited under section 53 or transhipped under section 54. -
SECTION 56. Transport of certain classes of goods subject to prescribed conditions. -
Chapter IX - Warehousing
SECTION 57. Appointing of public warehouses. -
SECTION 58. Licensing of private warehouses. -
SECTION 59. Warehousing bond. -
SECTION 59A Omitted
SECTION 60. Permission for deposit of goods in a warehouse. -
SECTION 61. Period for which goods may remain warehoused. -
SECTION 62. Control over warehoused goods. -
SECTION 63. Payment of rent and warehouse charges. -
SECTION 64. Owner's right to deal with warehoused goods. -
SECTION 65. Manufacture and other operations in relation to goods in a warehouse. -
SECTION 66. Power to exempt imported materials used in the manufacture of goods in warehouse. -
SECTION 67. Removal of goods from one warehouse to another. -
SECTION 68. Clearance of warehoused goods for home consumption. -
SECTION 69. Clearance of warehoused goods for exportation. -
SECTION 70. Allowance in case of volatile goods. -
SECTION 71. Goods not to be taken out of warehouse except as provided by this Act. -
SECTION 72. Goods improperly removed from warehouse, etc. -
SECTION 73. Cancellation and return of warehousing bond. -
Chapter X - Drawback
SECTION 74. Drawback allowable on re-export of duty-paid goods. -
SECTION 75. Drawback on imported materials used in the manufacture of goods which are exported. -
SECTION 75A. Interest on drawback. -
SECTION 76. Prohibition and regulation of drawback in certain cases. -
Chapter X-A-Special provisions relating to special economic zone
[SECTIONS 76A to 76N Omitted vide by Section 99 of Finance Act, 2007 (22 of 2007) w.e.f. 11.5.2007]
Chapter XI - Special provisions regarding baggage, goods imported or exported by post, and stores baggage
SECTION 77. Declaration by owner of baggage. -
SECTION 78. Determination of rate of duty and tariff valuation in respect of baggage. -
SECTION 79. Bona fide baggage exempted from duty. -
SECTION 80. Temporary detention of baggage. -
SECTION 81. Regulations in respect of baggage. -
Goods imported or exported by post
SECTION 82. Label or declaration accompanying goods to be treated as entry. -
SECTION 83. Rate of duty and tariff valuation in respect of goods imported or exported by post
SECTION 84. Regulations regarding goods imported or to be exported by post. -
SECTION 85. Stores may be allowed to be warehoused without assessment to duty. -
SECTION 86. Transit and transhipment of stores. -
SECTION 87. Imported stores may be consumed on board a foreign-going vessel or aircraft. -
SECTION 88. Application of section 69 and Chapter X to stores. -
SECTION 89. Stores to be free of export duty. -
SECTION 90. Concessions in respect of imported stores for the Navy. -
CHAPTER XII - Provisions relating to coastal goods and vessels carrying coastal goods
SECTION 91. Chapter not to apply to baggage and stores. -
SECTION 92. Entry of coastal goods. -
SECTION 93. Coastal goods not to be loaded until bill relating thereto is passed, etc. -
SECTION 94. Clearance of coastal goods at destination. -
SECTION 95. Master of a coasting vessel to carry an advice book. -
SECTION 96. Loading and unloading of coastal goods at customs port or coastal port only. -
SECTION 97. No coasting vessel to leave without written order. -
SECTION 98. Application of certain provisions of this Act to coastal goods, etc. -
SECTION 98A. Power to relax. -
SECTION 99. Power to make rules in respect of coastal goods and coasting vessels.
SECTION 99A. Audit
CHAPTER XIIB - Verification of identity and compliance
SECTION 99B. Verification of identity and compliance thereof.
CHAPTER XIII - Searches, seizure and arrest
SECTION 100. Power to search suspected persons entering or leaving India, etc. -
SECTION 101. Power to search suspected persons in certain other cases. -
SECTION 102. Persons to be searched may require to be taken before gazetted officer of customs or magistrate. -
SECTION 103. Power to screen or X-ray bodies of suspected persons for detecting secreted goods. -
SECTION 104. Power to arrest. -
SECTION 105. Power to search premises. -
SECTION 106. Power to stop and search conveyances. -
SECTION 106A. Power to inspect. -
SECTION 107. Power to examine persons. -
SECTION 108. Power to summon persons to give evidence and produce documents. -
SECTION 109. Power to require production of order permitting clearance of goods imported by land. -
SECTION 110. Seizure of goods, documents and things. -
SECTION 110A. Provisional release of goods, documents and things seized pending adjudication. -
CHAPTER XIV - Confiscation of goods and conveyances and imposition of penalties
SECTION 111. Confiscation of improperly imported goods, etc. -
SECTION 112. Penalty for improper importation of goods, etc.-
SECTION 113. Confiscation of goods attempted to be improperly exported, etc. -
SECTION 114. Penalty for attempt to export goods improperly, etc. -
SECTION 114A. Penalty for short-levy or non-levy of duty in certain cases. -
SECTION 114AA. Penalty for use of false and incorrect material.
SECTION 114AB. Penalty for obtaining instrument by fraud, etc
SECTION 115. Confiscation of conveyances.-
SECTION 116. Penalty for not accounting for goods.-
SECTION 117. Penalties for contravention, etc., not expressly mentioned. -
SECTION 118. Confiscation of packages and their contents. -
SECTION 119. Confiscation of goods used for concealing smuggled goods. -
SECTION 120. Confiscation of smuggled goods notwithstanding any change in form, etc. -
SECTION 121. Confiscation of sale-proceeds of smuggled goods. -
SECTION 122. Adjudication of confiscations and penalties. -
SECTION 122A. Adjudication Procedure. -
SECTION 123. Burden of proof in certain cases. -
SECTION 124. Issue of show cause notice before confiscation of goods, etc. -
SECTION 125. Option to pay fine in lieu of confiscation. -
SECTION 126. On confiscation, property to vest in Central Government. -
SECTION 127. Award of confiscation or penalty by customs officers not to interfere with other punishments. -
Chapter XIV-A- Settlement of cases
SECTION 127A. Definitions.-
SECTION 127B. Application for settlement of cases. -
SECTION 127C. Procedure on receipt of an application under Section 127B. -
SECTION 127D. Power of Settlement Commission to order provisional attachment to protect revenue. -
SECTION 127E.Power of Settlement Commission to reopen completed proceedings. -
SECTION 127F. Power and procedure of Settlement Commission.-
SECTION 127G .Inspection, etc. of reports. -
SECTION 127 H. Power of Settlement Commission to grant immunity from prosecution and penalty. -
SECTION 127-I. Power of Settlement Commission to send a case back to the proper officer.-
SECTION 127J. Order of settlement to be conclusive. -
SECTION 127K. Recovery of sums due under order of settlement.-
SECTION 127 L. Bar on subsequent application for settlement in certain cases. -
SECTION 127M. Proceedings before Settlement Commission to be judicial proceedings. -
SECTION 127MA. Omitted.
SECTION 127N. Applications of certain provisions of Central Excise Act. -
Chapter XV - Appeals and Revision
SECTION 128. Appeals to Commissioner (Appeals). -
SECTION 128A. Procedure in appeal. -
SECTION 129. Appellate Tribunal. -
SECTION 129A. Appeals to the Appellate Tribunal. -
SECTION 129B. Orders of Appellate Tribunal.-
SECTION 129C. Procedure of Appellate Tribunal. -
SECTION 129D. Powers of Committee of Chief Commissioners of Customs or Commissioner of Customs to pass certain orders.-
SECTION 129DA. Omitted
SECTION 129DD. Revision by Central Government.-
SECTION 129E. Deposit, pending appeal, of duty and interest demanded or penalty levied. -
SECTION 129EE. Interest on delayed refund of amount deposited under the proviso to section 129E
SECTION 130. Appeal to High Court. -
SECTION 130A. Application to High Court. -
SECTION 130B. Power of High Court or Supreme Court to require statement to be amended. -
SECTION 130C. Case before High Court to be heard by not less than two judges. -
SECTION 130D. Decision of High Court or Supreme Court on the case stated. -
SECTION 130E. Appeal to Supreme Court. -
SECTION 130F. Hearing before Supreme Court. -
SECTION 131. Sums due to be paid notwithstanding reference, etc. -
SECTION 131A. Exclusion of time taken for copy. -
SECTION 131B. Transfer of certain pending proceedings and transitional provisions. -
SECTION 131BA. Appeal not to be filed in certain cases,-
SECTION 131C. Definitions.-
Chapter XVI - Offences and prosecutions
SECTION 132. False declaration, false documents, etc. -
SECTION 133. Obstruction of officer of customs. -
SECTION 134. Refusal to be X-rayed. -
SECTION 135. Evasion of duty or prohibitions. -
SECTION 135A. Preparation. -
SECTION 135B. Power of court to publish name, place of business, etc., of persons convicted under the Act
SECTION 136. Offences by officers of customs. -
SECTION 137. Cognizance of offences. -
SECTION 138. Offences to be tried summarily. -
SECTION 138A. Presumption of culpable mental state. -
SECTION 138B. Relevancy of statements under certain circumstances. -
SECTION 138C. Admissibility of micro films, facsimile copies of documents and computer print outs as documents and as evidence
SECTION 139. Presumption as to documents in certain cases. -
SECTION 140. Offences by companies. -
SECTION 140A. Application of section 562 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, and of the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958. -
Chapter XVII - Miscellaneous
SECTION 141. Conveyances and goods in a customs area subject to control of officers of customs. -
SECTION 142. Recovery of sums due to Government. -
SECTION 142A. Liability under Act to be first charge .-
SECTION 143. Power to allow import or export on execution of bonds in certain cases. -
SECTION 143A. Duty deferment.
SECTION 144. Power to take samples. -
SECTION 145. Owner, etc., to perform operations incidental to compliance with customs law.
SECTION 146. Custom House agents to be licensed. -
SECTION 146A. Appearance by authorised representative. -
SECTION 147. Liability of principal and agent. -
SECTION 148. Liability of agent appointed by the person in charge of a conveyance.-
SECTION 149. Amendment of documents. -
SECTION 150. Procedure for sale of goods and application of sale proceeds. -
SECTION 151. Certain officers required to assist officers of customs.
SECTION 151A. Instructions to officers of customs. -
SECTION 151B. Reciprocal arrangement for exchange of information facilitating trade
SECTION 152. Delegation of powers. -
SECTION 153. Service of order, decision, etc. -
SECTION 154. Correction of clerical errors, etc. -
SECTION 154A. Rounding off of duty, etc. -
SECTION 154B. Publication of information respecting persons in certain cases. -
SECTION 155. Protection of action taken under the Act. -
SECTION 156. General power to make rules. -
SECTION 157. General power to make regulations. -
SECTION 158. Provisions with respect to rules and regulations. -
SECTION 159. Rules, certain notifications and orders to be laid before Parliament.-
SECTION 159A. Effect of amendments, etc., of rules, regulations, notifications or orders.
SECTION 160. Repeal and savings. -
SECTION 161. Removal of difficulties. -
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